20 May 2009

"I call it a week of Utopia..."

- Shelley Ackerman, IWWG Member

Call it what you will--Utopia is certainly fitting, in my opinion--but whatever you call it, you need to do whatever you can do right now to attend The International Women's Writing Guild 32nd annual Remember the Magic summer conference on the campus of Skidmore College, in Saratoga Springs, New York.

From June 12th through the 19th, women will gather from every corner of the globe to celebrate their connection through writing, original thought, and multi-cultural tolerance. It's an opportunity not to be missed.

If you don't believe me, then just have a look at what some of the Guild's members are saying:

Note: VEOH decided to remove the video without notifying me of the change. I've returned the favor, and removed them. Sorry about that.

Excuse me. I have to pack my bags and my pens.

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